Membership Renewal

***Late fees are in effect as the December 31 regular renewal deadline has passed.***

Membership renewal is now OPEN! Please read ALL information listed below before selecting the membership renewal link at the bottom of the page. Note: this page is for CURRENT members to renew their membership.

Many questions are asked each year about the renewal process so here are the procedures and rules that we operate under.

  • All members must be members of the National Rifle Association and be able to provide proof of such.
  • REGULAR members: Most members are REGULAR members. There is a cap of 350 REGULAR members on the roster for the club. Dues for REGULAR members are $250 per year. Work day credits are $75 for each work day, with a maximum of two work days totaling a $150 reduction in dues. Please see the GRRC Work Day Reporting page to submit a work day.
  • VESTED members:  Vested members are members that have already turned 62 and have 10 years of club membership. Member numbers under 1584 do not require 10 years of membership but must have reached the age of 62 prior to December 31st of the current year. Vested members are not counted against the 350 member cap. Annual dues for vested members are $175. One work day credit is available for vested members totaling a $75 reduction in dues. Please see the GRRC Work Day Reporting page to submit a work day.
  • OUT ON A LETTER: Members who wish to maintain their membership without having access to the facilities are considered OOL. This is a temporary situation where someone will be gone from the state for a length of time and want to maintain their membership. The cost is 1/4 the regular membership dues, or $62.50 per year.
  • HONORARY: In acknowledgement of extensive service to the club, Honorary membership may be conferred on an individual by the Board of Directors. Honorary members do not pay dues and do not affect the membership cap.
  • ACTIVE DUTY/RESERVE: GRRC has been a loyal and long-time supporter of the military, and therefore will carry members in service without charge until they return from duty. These members do not count against the 350 member cap until they return to regular membership.
  • LATE RENEWAL/REINSTATEMENT – MEMBERS IN ARREARS: Members who do not renew by the December 31 deadline may renew until the January general membership meeting by paying a 50% reinstatement fee. After the January general membership meeting, he/she must enroll as a new member and pay the established initiation fee plus any assessment due during the period of prior membership. Approved workday credits may be applied after the penalty amount is assessed.

    (General membership dues) + (50% reinstatement fee) – (Workday credits) = ($ Amount owed)

    After the January general membership meeting has concluded, renewals will not be honored, including those sent via the United States Postal Service.

  • CAMPGROUND AND OTHER FEES: Members who owe for other club services such as campground dues, must pay those costs in full before their membership renewal is considered valid. Those in arrears to the club in any assessment are ineligible to vote or enjoy any membership privileges, including range access and other benefits.

Please check your membership form for mistakes or updates, as this is our only way to contact you.

Our club is run and maintained by the members. The only services we hire out for are dumpsters and outhouses. Everything else, if it is going to be done, will be done by one of the members. Please keep that in mind as you look at things that need to be done at your range. Call or e-mail any board member with any questions. Please leave a message if your call is not answered and we will get back to you.

Click here to start your renewal.