New Member Application

ATTENTION: Membership slots are currently full. New applicants will be added to the waitlist for future openings.


To become a member of Gopher Rifle & Revolver Club (GRRC), all applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • There is a non-refundable $75 application fee. This fee is intended to cover the cost of new member processing. This fee will be collected at the TIME OF APPLICATION. Applications will not be considered unless the fee is paid.
  • Must be 21 years or older (exceptions are only allowed with prior club review and approval) and a citizen or legally living in the United States.
  • Must have a current NRA membership.
  • Must have a current Permit to Purchase, Permit to Carry, Police ID or Military ID.
  • Must be sponsored by a current member of GRRC. If you do not know a current member, you may apply and meet prospective sponsors at your first membership reading.
  • Must have attended at least two consecutive member meetings and be approved by a 2/3 vote.
  • Must subscribe to the following oath and pay the required dues.

“I pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. I certify that I am a citizen of the United States, or living in the United States under approval of the US Government. I am neither dependent upon narcotics or convicted of a felony, and that I am not a member of any organization or group pledged to or working for a program aimed at the destruction of our present system of government as established by the Constitution of the United States.”

Annual Dues (subject to change at any time)

  • Regular Membership (no workdays performed): $250 per year
  • Two workdays may be performed each year for a $75 credit per workday ($150 total dues reduction)

If membership rolls are full at time of acceptance, applicants will be placed on the waitlist to be offered membership when an outgoing member vacates a slot. If you would like to become a member of GRRC, please use the link below to submit a membership application.

Click here to submit an application for membership.